Online Premarital Therapy in

San Diego and California

Online Premarriage Counseling in California

Give Your Relationship A 30% Greater Success Rate!!

You spend so much time prepping for a wedding, so how do you Prepare for the rest of your life together?

Getting engaged is a big step in anyone's life. It means that you are about to take on the next chapter of your life and embark on a new journey.

What should you do after getting engaged?

The first thing to do is to celebrate! After all, it's an exciting time and you should enjoy it. You should also think about the next chapter in your relationship and what that will entail, and this is where premarital therapy can be extremely helpful to prepare you for marriage and make sure that both of you are ready for the next chapter in your lives together.

The venue or your priest or pastor you really want to have your special day is requiring you to go to premarital counseling before you can book the date, but how do you find someone that respects both you and your partners faith and to guide you through the process.

Is it just something to check off for the wedding of your dreams, or could this possibly lead to having the tools to have the marriage of your dreams? This isn’t just about a big party for you, although that part will be fun, but you sometimes wonder if you have what it takes to make your marriage strong enough to endure because real life conflict that happens.

You may be anxious about taking the leap with your partner. You love your partner so much and you’re so ready for this, but you’ve seen that 50% of the couples you know or more maybe have failed.

You don’t take marriage Lightly, and you want to be prepared for the long haul

Being prepared for a lifetime together is the best decision you can make to build a stronger foundation for your relationship, to ensure its success. So the best thing premarital therapy can do is to ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship to build a foundation towards a stable and satisfying marriage against future pitfalls. Let’s face it, conflicts are inevitable in relationships, so wouldn’t it be great to know how to navigate them? I can help you come up with a plan in order to build a lasting marriage, stay connected versus gradually growing apart.

I can help you develop the tools of how to communicate your needs, desires early; how to communicate clearly and to avoid any future conflicts which may arise as stated in my blog called How to avoid resentment in your relationship (please make sure to check it out) .

Many couples believe that they can ignore their differences and live happily ever after. But in reality, it's not like that. There are many challenges that come along with marriage and if you don't address them before the wedding, it will be much more difficult to deal with them after.

This is why premarital therapy is so important for every couple who wants to get married. It helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a couple, which in turn helps you understand the other person better and therefore make better decisions together.

Marriage is a process and it requires work. It can be challenging to keep the spark alive and work through the inevitable conflicts that arise. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, and it requires work, understanding, and patience. It takes constant communication and understanding of each other's needs. Marriage is not easy, but it is worth the effort.

There are many misconceptions about marriage that are often perpetuated by Hollywood movies or fairy tales. People often think that marriage is all about love and romance, but in reality, there are many other components to successful marriages - communication skills, financial planning skills, roles in the family unit (parenting), expectations of one another (sharing household chores), changes in life (children leaving home), differences between spouses (sexuality), managing conflict.

Discover True Connection and Learn how to Hear & Understand one another…

It is important to know that communication is key to any healthy relationship. One of the most important aspects of communication in marriage, for example, is being open about what you want and need from your spouse as well as understanding what your spouse wants and needs from you.

It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their expectations, changes and differences in order to make their marriage work.

Some of the topics that we will explore in our work together may be:

  • Relationship Dynamics

  • Explore Strength and Growth Areas

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Relationship Roles

  • Financial Stressors and Management

  • Sex and Affection

  • Relationship Goals

  • Strengthen Communication Skills

Fortify your relationship and learn to move through conflicting issues with more ease, to help you focus on what’s important.

Schedule your free 15 minute consultation for premarital therapy in San Diego, CA if you are ready to strengthen your relationship with your partner. My other specialties include Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling, Intimacy & Sex Therapy, and Individual Therapy.

Additional Resources:

Why The Way We Communicate Matters


It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.