Online Individual Therapy

In San Diego & California

Online Individual Relationship Therapy for Singles in San Diego and California

You Deserve to Have The Fulfilling Life You Desire.

You may struggle to determine why you always feel disconnected in romantic relationships…

You feel like you are often misinterpreted when communicating your needs. You have so much on your plate but feel like you can’t express negative emotions to those you care about without hurting them. You may not know how to communicate with those around you, whether platonic or romantic. You want to become a better version of yourself but you’re feeling exhausted and don’t know where to begin.

Stop letting your anxiety and stress take over your relationships and leave you questioning your ability to ever feel fulfilled in life and connected in your relationships.

When we struggle with our identity as individuals, it affects us in various ways and gets enacted out amongst those we hold close to our hearts. It often leaves you feeling exhausted, out of control and questioning if you are so disconnected from the person you want to be.

Relationships and dating can be exhausting these days.

DATING APPLICATIONS leading to disappointment

Tired of dealing with ghosting, thinking there’s potential only to be disappointed when you actually meet up for a date, tired of all the lies people say on their profiles? You may be experiencing dating fatigue. Yes! It is a real thing, and it can be utterly exhausting to go through!

You may be wondering why you keep matching with unavailable partners, which ultimately results in toxic relationships.  You can identify what you don’t want but don’t know how to look for different partners or how to do things differently.

You consistently give more in a relationship than your partners do.  You’re asking yourself what you’re doing wrong, feeling as if you have lost a part of yourself in the relationship.  Why are other people able to have successful relationships when you are not, you ask yourself.

Your partner may have said you’re codependent, but you’re unsure if that fits. When comparing your friend’s romantic relationships to your own, you often wonder what they did to find that special someone and may be asking yourself, “what’s wrong with me?”. 

You don’t need to settle, you may just have to rethink your approach and your values, and that is where our work can start. 

You worry about what other people think or say about you and dread that you may not be enough. 

You may be in or looking for a relationship but never feel like you are enough.  Your partner may have told you the relationship isn’t working and it’s because of you, or that you need to step up your sexual skills. You’re trying your best, but the feedback is that something is wrong with what you are doing and needs to change.  You feel that your partner holds all the cards, but somehow it feels impossible to tell them honestly how you feel because you don’t want to lose them. 

If you would like to break the unhealthy patterns you have been noticing, or are just ready for a change, I can help.

 You hear about all of these fantastic people meeting every day, yet you are still struggling with finding a partner. You wonder if there are any excellent potential matches out there or if they are all taken.  You wonder why you aren’t able to attract the people you would like to match with, or why your relationships are short-lived and don’t seem to last.

When you’re in relationships, you’re continually asking yourself if this person will be the last one, the one you’ve been searching for.  But then you notice that distance starts to set it, and you lost the excitement that you had when you were first dating, and you start the cycle all over again.  You’re usually the only one willing to work towards change in the relationship, and don’t know how to get your partner interested in having deeper conversations—the frustration sets in and where you feel like you have nowhere to turn. 

Dating fatigue can be tiring, and the feeling of burnout is real

Separate of being in a relationship, we can often lose or let go of our individual identity when we are solely focused on the comfort and pleasure of our partner. When these relationships end, it’s extremely painful and you often don’t know how to go about assembling a “normal” life and figuring out how you’d like to move forward.

In order to change dynamics in any relationship, it is important to construct who you are and who you would like to be in a relationship. We choose our partners based on a myriad of criteria, but one of them is based on the unconscious qualities that were in our caretakers when we were reared. This may seem unplausible, but we really do trick ourselves unconsciously and we unintentionally choose partners who will trigger us.

Doing things differently starts with defining your personal goals, defining where you are and where you would like to be ideally and processing through why old patterns are re-emerging. Here’s where I can help. I can help you learn the tools to redefine who you are, to learn how to effectively communicate with others so that they can hear you and understand you. I can help you identify the emotional patterns and the triggers that lead you into distress, and I can help teach you coping skills in order to do it differently. In order to be able to create the ideal relationship moving forward, you have to move through and process old triggers or traumatic events that you may not even be consciously aware of. I can help you peel back the layers to figure out what the authentic version of yourself is, and together we can hopefully identify what would bring you joy and contentment.

If you’re ready to uncover patterns, to finally free yourself of the emotional pain and to finally find your happiness, click to schedule your free 15 minute consultation.

Feeling like everyone’s life somewhat looks better than your own? Do you often find yourself comparing yourself with others or worry about what they will think of you?

Do you are often find yourself up at night worried about what you can do next, but your to do list is spilling over?  Your friends and coworkers think you have everything together. On the outside it seems like you have it together, but internally you are wrestling with how to get things done in such a small amount of time and you find that you are often exhausted from spinning on the wheel. You have little time for yourself and can’t figure out why. 

You’ve been dealing with this for a long time now, but haven’t been sure where to turn or get help.

You’ve tried talking to family and friends, but no one truly understands what you are going through.  You feel alone, broken and frightened about where to turn. You’re exhausted and feel like an outsider.  You may even distance yourself, often feeling like there is no pleasure in socially connecting.

I can help you find your focus, center yourself and find peace

I can help you to dig deeper and achieve the goals you set to become a better you and have more connected relationships.  I can help you to listen to your vulnerable true self and learn to harness the strength within you in ways you might never have imagined, let’s talk.

Figure out what barriers are keeping you from getting closer to discovering your best self and the relationship you want.

If you’re ready to learn to express your needs, hopes and desires clearly, Click here to schedule your free 15 minute consultation

Drop the anxiety that is continuously sabotaging your connection with others, and learn how to identify your needs and desires in life.

I’d love to help you too. Click here to schedule your free 15- minute phone consultation for Online Individual Therapy in San Diego and California . My other specialties include Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling, Premarital Counseling and Intimacy & Sex Therapy.

Some Additional Resources:

Tips for Using Dating Apps

Avoiding Hesidators & Ultimatums

What To Look For In A Potential Partner

What Gets In The Way of Connection, and Why Does it Feel Inauthentic?

Less Awkward First Dates

Dating During the Holidays

It is time to call and get help. You’ve waited long enough.